Saturday, January 31, 2009

Out With The Old

Times Square.

It's the place to be at the end of the year. Crowds of people, music, and partying. Everyone waiting for those last seconds of the year to end and a bright New Year to begin.

In Texas; and at Tex's Amway Global Blog the year is winding down as well, and 2010 is just hours away. As administrator here at the blog, I know that even though the old year is over; you can bet Tex's mission to expose the tool scam among Amway motivational organizations will continue into 2010.

I also bet that Tex's mission and his focus will continue to evolve on into 2010. I'm also imagining that this blog will evolve, with some changes as well.

Stick around--whether you love Tex or hate him, you can bet there will always be something to read here at Tex's Amway Global Blog.


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