Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Tex's First Post...Sorta

The following is a response to an entry at "On The Road With Dave." The relevant link is in the body of the message.

Tex said...


First of all, thanks for setting up "my" blog, although I should note YOU are the Blog Administrator and can delete comments at your discretion.

You got a number of points wrong/inaccurate.

1. I do NOT hate the "tool systems", I hate the high prices that result in MA$$IVE secret profits for the lying cowardly "kingpins". I find no issue with the CONTENT of the tools, recognizing I will not agreement 100% with every other human being on this planet.

2. Although banned from many blogs (some multiple times, as they "let" me back on prior to being "banned" yet again). I have NEVER been banned from a corporate blog, unless you count the IBOAI one, which is obviously run by the lying cowardly "kingpins". Nor am I "heavily moderated" by any corporate blogs, in fact, some posters have accused A/Q of allowing my pointed comments and not allowing them to respond in kind.

3. Your speculative reasons for me being "banned" are indeed speculation.
I can speculate on three reasons why this has happened. My "prolific comments" are intended to educate the prospects and IBO's of the tool scam. In the blog world, the way to do this is to stay "on top" in the discussion (visible to the casual reader). The reason I quote others is to ensure no inferior point they make goes "unpunished". I challenge you to name an issue with this business, and chances are VERY good I can trace it to being directly or indirectly related to the tool scam. I ONLY counter-attack. I learned this lesson early in my "blogging life" long ago. I tried for 2-3 months or so to be "nice", and not hit back. However, I realized the only way to get my point across was to hit back. Shoot me with a pea-shooter, out comes my 16" guns. If you want a closed discussion (closed to other ideas), you SHOULD apply "Free Speech" only to the author. If you want the truth to come out, you allow ALL points of view, and allow facts and logic to prevail.


Dave Robison said...

"In the blog world, the way to do this is to stay "on top" in the discussion (visible to the casual reader)."

That's actually in the Discussion Forum world...blog comments trail downward...blogs are dated by entry. There is no top. Merely a front page and archives. Your discussion, if you choose to manage this blog will be "on top" by searchable content and relevant daily entries.

Anonymous said...

I use the word "blog" generically. I'll leave it to others to offer precise definitions.

The point remains valid. Newer entries tend to hide older posts and make them more difficult to find.

Anonymous said...

That's why you can link the older post instead of bringing up the same thing in all the newer threads.

Anonymous said...

But then you have to go search for the older post, right?

Dave Robison said...

Not if the post is linked...there'sno searching for it.

Anonymous said...

I don't understand, give more of an explanation and/or an example. If you want me to set up a conference call to discuss, let me know.

Dave Robison said...

Hope this explanation helps.

If you post in a thread in a Discussion Forum..every time youpost that thread moves up to the Top of the Discussion Forum under new posts. That is probably why you post so much in a forum..to be seen in the New Posts..to keep the discussion visible.

On a blog, the template is set to only display the current entries...usually a week's worth or less and then the entries go to the archives.

As a blog owner or even a published commenter...you can refer to old posts by linking them in the body of a new post allowing readers to read what you are suggesting that they read.

Of course, blog posts also become more searchable as they linger on the "intertubes" , moreso than forum posts.

And to further make blogging more attractive, you write your message everyday to a growing readership, and they show up to read whatever you write in it's various incarnations.

A conference call isn't necessary.

Come see me in FtWorth/Dallas on Feb1-2...Plano has to be way closer than the distance I'll be driving to perform at the Comedy Corner Cafe.


Anonymous said...

That still sounds like too much effort to make it worthwhile.

I won't be seeing you at your gig.

rocket said...

Too much effort!

To get your vital point across?

I thought it was important.

Guess that shows what you're really made of...

Anonymous said...


My point has already gotten across, on many inferior blogs, the corporate blogs, and in many other forms.

rocket said...

Then why continue?

Anonymous said...

You are confusing the process with the result.

Until proper action is taken, the message has to continue.

rocket said...

Hate to break it to you there Tex, but nobody, and I mean absolutely nobody, gives a rat's ass what you say about anything.

Ironically, you'd be more effective by being silent.

Anonymous said...

Really? Don't tell the corporate executives and lawyers that!

Ironically, you'd be more effective searching for your whanger.

Anonymous said...

tex has been finding his whanger a lot recently as he continues to visit the WSG website.

Anonymous said...

That still sounds like too much effort to make it worthwhile.

i.e. - that's WAY too complicated for the man who thinks he makes money buying his own products...

- WAY too complicated for the man who took 12 years to figure out his upline duped him on tools...

- WAY too complicated for the man who thinks the tools he bought through his old Amway career and boxes more off eBay are necessary for success (even though after 15 years his business has gone down)...

- WAY too complicated for the man who says Amway published Nutrilite studies prove that they are the best vitamin in the world...

- WAY too complicated for the man who cites references that disprove his point, and when called on it, suddenly announces it was a 'trick'...

- WAY too complicated for the man who sent Rich DeVos a letter saying he was going to lend tools to his downline and had it notarized to protect the 'copyright' of that idea.

It's just way too complicated.

I can't WAIT to see what's next!

Anonymous said...

Come on Tex....take the blog....take it....take it....You know you want to!!!

It isn't that complicated, you will get traffic, and YOU CAN SAY WHATEVER YOU WANT!!!! You can even ban whomever you want....you would be in control!!!

Come one...just take the blog!!!!

Anonymous said...


You obviously are an idiot. Read Dave's explanation why he deleted some posts from his blog.

Anonymous said...

Good read:


Anonymous said...

Tex says..."anna,

You obviously are an idiot. Read Dave's explanation why he deleted some posts from his blog."

Tex, you have commented on Dave's site and JC'c as well as others, I am sure, that you "only counter attack". Yet here you are calling me an idiot...for what reason? Where did I call you a name in my post? I was trying to encourage you, not insult you.
You specifically state that you respond with name calling only after being called names....show me where in my post..."Come on Tex....take the blog....take it....take it....You know you want to!!!

It isn't that complicated, you will get traffic, and YOU CAN SAY WHATEVER YOU WANT!!!! You can even ban whomever you want....you would be in control!!!

Come one...just take the blog!!!!"...that I called you a name or attacked you in a manner that warrants being called an idiot?

On secong thought...Dave...you have been very generous and kind by setting up this blog for Tex...but he clearly doesn't want it. Stop wasting your time and close it down. I applaud you for your efforts, you are a better person than I am.

Anonymous said...


Still breathing my air? Doesn't take much to be a better person than you.

I've listed many reasons for not being interested in my own blog.

You've raised nothing new anna, you're just late to the "game". Hit the road.

rocket said...

Tex won't take the blog.

He has nothing to say.

Anonymous said...


Tex won't take the blog.

Tex has a lot to say, and he's already saying it.

Anonymous said...

tex has a lot to say? Hahahaha. Good one.

Does tex have anything to say other than "tools scam" or "lying cowardly kingpins"?

Anonymous said...


Do you have anything else to say except you quit because your upline didn't like your girlfriend, or was it her pimp they were really taking exception to?


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