Monday, January 28, 2008

Nice or Honest

Tex said:
Saturday, January 19, 2008

"...The critics will ALWAYS be vicious and will lie to support their position. The issue for me isn't putting the emphasis on being "civil" (ever hear of the saying, "Don't bring a knife to a gunfight"?), it is being open, honest, and transparent. When you do this, the critics will have the "knife", and we will have the "gun". The truth and facts are powerful. Everyone (including Quixtar) needs to understand we live in a different world, now that the internet and blogs exist. It's no longer possible to "sweep things under the rug", or "look the other way" when the elephant is standing in your living room.

The A/Q business needs to start the open, honest, and transparent exercise with the source of most of the profit (for the upline) and much of the loss (for most IBO's) is derived, the secret tool profits. Until this is done, the critics will have the upper hand. This is the "elephant in the living room" of the A/Q business. It can no longer be ignored, and has already been a quarter of a century since this biggest problem in the A/Q business was publicly identified by one of the co-founders.

Stop trying to be "nice" and just do the right thing. Being "nice" at the expense of being honest is a recipe for failure."


Anonymous said...

That was one of my best, most brilliant posts, it was in response to a Beth Dornan post.

My first "run-in" with her was a couple of years ago, when she stated the tool profit claims by critics were being exaggerated. When I asked her if she knew the rough numbers of A/Q versus tool profit, she said no, which proved her initial statement was in error.

Anonymous said...

It only proved her initial statement was unsupported - not that it was in error.

Anonymous said...

Other sources have proven it to be in error.

Anonymous said...

That's not what you said or implied - you had to change history, again.

If you could manage a complete, coherent thought and then translate that to writing - you 'might' not have to back-track and show what an imbecile you are.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

I hate to say it Tex, but what you say in this post about dealing with the critics and comparing it to bringing a kinfe to a gun fight is not true. i see where you were going but it feel off a cliff there. Insulting people is not being open, honest ot transparent, it's being mean. Even if you truly feel that it is being open, others....many others won't and don't see it that way, therefore taking any effectiveness that you hoped for away.

Anonymous said...


Just stop breathing. Now. You're using up perfectly good oxygen.

Anonymous said...

Let me guess...another poor atempt at being open, honest and transparent??

Anonymous said...


Another poor attempt to spell "atempt"?

I have no desire to be open, honest, and transparent with people of your ilk. You have zero interest in the truth and the facts. Get lost (Oops, you're already lost. Never mind).

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Double yawn.

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