Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Tex's Quixtar Blog Name Transition

At Tex's request and in keeping with the new transition of Quixtar North America becoming part of Amway Global in 2009; we are changing our name to keep up with the times.

Tex's Quixtar Blog will now be Tex's Quixtar/Amway Global Blog. The website address will remain the same.

Now You Know.


Anonymous said...

Thanks, Dave. Wouldn't it help to change the website address for search purposes?

Dave Robison said...

Can't change the website address without transferring the entire blog to a new address.

Search Results are tied to the text associated with the link, so it shouldn't matter much.

Remember that Qblog was tied to the url and his search results were awesome

Anonymous said...

Okay, thanks.

Anonymous said...

Amway Global. Amway Global. Amway Global. Amway Global. Amway Global. Amway Global. Amway Global. Amway Global. Amway Global. Amway Global. Amway Global. Amway Global. Amway Global. Amway Global. Amway Global. Amway Global. Amway Global. Amway Global. Amway Global. Amway Global. Amway Global. Amway Global. Amway Global. Amway Global. Amway Global. Amway Global. Amway Global. Amway Global. Amway Global. Amway Global. Amway Global. Amway Global. Amway Global. Amway Global. Amway Global. Amway Global. Amway Global. Amway Global. Amway Global. Amway Global. Amway Global. Amway Global. Amway Global. Amway Global. Amway Global. Amway Global. Amway Global. Amway Global. Amway Global. Amway Global. Amway Global. Amway Global. Amway Global. Amway Global. Amway Global. Amway Global. Amway Global. Amway Global. Amway Global. Amway Global. Amway Global. Amway Global. Amway Global. Amway Global. Amway Global. Amway Global. Amway Global. Amway Global. Amway Global. Amway Global. Amway Global. Amway Global. Amway Global. Amway Global. Amway Global. Amway Global. Amway Global. Amway Global. Amway Global. Amway Global. Amway Global. Amway Global. Amway Global. Amway Global. Amway Global. Amway Global. Amway Global. Amway Global. Amway Global. Amway Global. Amway Global. Amway Global. Amway Global. Amway Global. Amway Global. Amway Global. Amway Global. Amway Global. Amway Global. Amway Global. Amway Global. Amway Global. Amway Global. Amway Global. Amway Global. Amway Global. Amway Global. Amway Global. Amway Global. Amway Global. Amway Global. Amway Global. Amway Global. Amway Global. Amway Global. Amway Global. Amway Global. Amway Global. Amway Global. Amway Global. Amway Global. Amway Global. Amway Global. Amway Global. Amway Global. Amway Global. Amway Global. Amway Global.

Diamond In The Rough said...


Anonymous said...

I have the feedback from Amway UK regarding what the court ruling means:

"In regards to BSM and the court ruling the answer is simple no BSM (Books,tapes etc ) may be sold in the UK / ROI. This ruling has been in place since May 2007 when the initial moratorium on the UK business came into place. Since the judgment this has continued as the Judgement from Justice Norris and we have maintained this policy."


"In regards to your question we do not have in place any material to date that Amway provide , we currently have no support material available to any ABOs in the UK/ROI market and this looks to run in this vain for the foreseeable future."

Regarding meetings:

"In regards to the UK /ROI meeting policy we have a standard policy in place and the requirement is to contact our contract and Administration team in order to get permission to run a meeting. We currently have a policy in place and no Major functions are in place unless they are run by the Amway Corporation.

I have attached the meeting policy requirement for you to read through.

Amway UK & RoI Meeting Policy

This update is to define a policy to regulate the presentation of Amway UK & RoI to the general public, prospects and ABOs through the holding of regular meetings. This policy applies only to meetings organised outside of ABOs homes. Meetings may be organised in ABOs homes as often as desired and do not need authorisation from Amway.


1. Amway Opportunity Meeting - weekly, for prospects and New ABOs
2. Amway Success Meeting - monthly for all ABOs
3. Amway Expo Meeting - annually for all ABOs An updated meeting schedule regarding locations will be issued shortly to coincide with the commencement of sponsoring.

Amway Opportunity Meeting - Purpose

1. Introduce prospects to the Amway Business opportunity.
2. To motivate and provide tips on how to start and give basic product knowledge.
3. Recognise existing ABOs for retailing success
4. Experience the Amway personal touch

Amway Success Meeting - Purpose

1. Motivate and instruct ABOs to find customers, sell products, build their group.
2. Rolling 12 month curriculum of business skills.
3. Recognise existing ABOs for retailing success and group success.
4. Experience the Amway Personal Touch

Amway Expo – Purpose

1. Motivate and instruct ABOs to continue working for their goals, build groups and continue to be customer focused.
2. Recognise existing ABOs for retailing success, group success and leadership success.
3. Experience the Amway personal touch.

ABO Organised Open Meetings

1. Introduce prospects to the Amway business Opportunity.
2. Motivate and provide tips on how to start and give basic product knowledge.
3. Recognise existing ABOs for retailing success

• Participants - Maximum number of participants - 150
• All costs to be borne by leaders running the meeting. [editorial comment - I wonder how a "leader" is defined by the LCK's, any IBO with a pulse?]
• Amway branding must be visible at all ABO organised meetings.

All meetings held outside of ABOs homes need to be authorised by Tracy Clark in the Contract Administration & Compliance department -

Amway staff may at any time attend these meetings without ABO’s prior knowledge. A more in depth explanation of the requirements will be available to you via the Contract Administration & Compliance department."

As a whole, this is VERY good news, and we need similar policies in place in the U.S.

Is it any wonder why BWW left, why Dornan got into hot water with Amway last year, and why other UK Diamonds were booted? Not to me, the tool scam is no longer an issue in the UK, and a lot of the rats have jumped overboard.

Anonymous said...

Bitchett said on ibofb's site:

Tex had every opportunity to trash-talk in the flesh in Prague. Instead, he chose to be two-faced. ---- I mentioned Bitchett's LCK upline when I first met her, and she didn't push back, so why should I make a big deal out of something that was obvious years prior to the Prague trip?

Polite and easy-going, with a great smile and laugh, in person. ---- If she understood who I really am, and what I really believed in, she wouldn't find this out of character. At all.
abusive, disrespectful, no-sense-of-humor, a jerk, online. ---- Only to those who are FIRST abusive, disrespectful, no-sense-of-humor, a jerk, to me.

I have more respect for my "enemies" that are clear about their dislike of me, than I do for people who hug me in one moment and then punch me in another (online or offline). ---- I won't make that "mistake" again, Bitchett. Promise. Cross my heart and hope you die.

Anonymous said...

Below is the questionnaire I received from A/Q. Most of it was multiple choice, and any written answers I provided are bounded by 2 dashes (--). I think it was good they provided a means to provide feedback, but did not like the statement they would not contact me.


1. As a result of attending the National Spotlight event in Omaha*
Overall Experience
Strongly Agree Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly Disagree
I'm excited about the business opportunity.
I have a better understanding of building a balanced business.
Staff were accessible, friendly, knowledgeable and helpful.
I have a better understanding of the future direction of the business.
I have a greater belief and confidence in the credibility of the business.
I have a better understanding of Quixtar products and services.
I have the tools and knowledge I need to meet or exceed my business building goals.
I would like the company to continue to bring events like this to my town.


2. How did you first hear about the National Spotlight? *

What's New Article
E-mail from Quixtar
Achieve Article
Other, please specify

3. Did your upline suggest that you attend the National Spotlight Event?*


4. How many events sponsored by your LOA do you attend per year?
Please include only large (more than 100 people) events
More than 6

5. Did you bring any prospects and/or customers to National Spotlight in Omaha?*


6. Did you attend a breakout session at National Spotlight?


Breakout/Training Attended

7. How valuable to your business were the following breakouts?*
Breakouts - Training
Extremely Valuable Very Valuable Somewhat Valuable Not Very Valuable Not at all Valuable I did not Attend
Nutrilite - Simple Selling with Samples
Three Ways to Sell Artistry Skin Care
Ribbon - Give, Sell, Succeed
The Business Today - Update from the Company with Recruiting Video and Asafa Powell Direct TV ad
IBOAI Update - Balanced Business
Successful Selling Workshop with IBO Joe Pici

8. Since attending a breakout session I have done the following:*
Select all that apply.
I purchased a sales kit on site at the event to aid me in selling .
I made a new sale at retail using the new techinque(s) learned.
I have shared what I learned with my downline.
I feel more confident to talk to potential customers about our products.
I didn't buy a kit at the event, but bought one after I left the event to help aid me with selling.
None of the these

9. Please enter any additional comments with regard to the breakout sessions here.

--1. Needed to talk about what you're doing to get rid of the tool scam.
2. Needed to clearly state the retail requirements to earn downline volume bonus.
3. Needed to say what changing you are making to the rules that have been declared "unconscionable" by several U.S. federal judges.
4. Needed to explain why you didn't follow your own written rules when I asked you to enforce them.--

Expo Attended

10. As a result of attending the Expo at the National Spotlight event in Omaha*

Strongly Agree Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly Disagree N/A
My guests and/or prospects see my business more positively and are more open minded about the products and business opportunity.
As a whole, the product expo booths provided me with the opportunity to experience and learn about our product line.
After visiting the business booths, I am confident and understand the different areas of the company that exist to support me as I build my business.
I found the demonstrations informative and entertaining.
Because of the samples given to me or shown to me at the expo, I or my customer have purchased the sampled product.

11. Please enter any additional comments with regard to the expo here.

--I didn't spend much time at the product expo booths.--


12. How are you using the catalog we provided to you at the event?*
Please check all that apply.
I gave them to my customer.
I use them personally.
I am not using them.
I gave them to my prospect.
I did not receive any catalogs.
Other, please specify

13. How are you using the Welcome (Hello, My Name Is Burgandy colored - 4 fold) piece we provided to you at the event?*
Please check all that apply.
I gave this piece to my customer.
I would use more of this piece with my prospects.
I am not using this piece.
I did not receive a Welcome (Hello my Name Is) piece.
Other, please specify

Closing Comments

14. What do you feel was the most effective, or your most enjoyable aspect of the Omaha National Spotlight?

--The Ribbon presentation.--

15. In the future how do you feel we could make these types of events more impactful for your business?

--Fix the tool scam. If you want to talk, call me, 123-456-7890. If you want to fail, leave the tool scam alone.--

16. For classification purposes, please provide your IBO number in the box provided below (Optional). Your answers will remain anonymous as well as confidential. No attempt will be made to contact you as a result of your participation in this survey.

Thank you for taking the time to complete the National Spotlight - Omaha survey. Please know that your comments on your experience at the expo are very important to us. We will use your responses and comments in planning for our future event.

Anonymous said...


According to these guys, it does matter that Amway is in the name:

If you start a new blog, with a link to this "old" one, and add the 9 steps of truth, I'll add any other content to it. Thanks.

Anonymous said...

Here's another "name transition."

We need to work on getting the tool scam shut down faster, so all the remaining LCK's can pass on knowing their true legacy.

To All Yager Group Diamonds & Personals [intended for distribution to your group]

This message comes with great sadness and with celebration that
our dear friend George Halsey is with the Lord.

George went in the hospital a few days ago due to a blood clot that had moved
from his heart to his brain. He was not in pain and was surrounded by his family.

Ruth and the family have made arrangements and we knew you would want to know.

If you would like to send anything to Ruth or Karen personally, send it to their home
at 606 Willoughby Blvd. Greensboro, NC 27408
If you are in town for the services, Please do not plan to stop by the house.

The services for George will be Saturday, September 6, 2008.

There will be a viewing from 1:30-2:30 and the service will begin at 3:00 pm. Both the viewing and services will be at Mt. Zion Baptist Church, 1301 Alamance Church Road, Greensboro, NC. All IBO’s are invited to attend. If you do attend the service, please let the ushers know you are an IBO, so you will be directed to a special seating section.

Following the service, the burial will be at Guilford Memorial Park, 6000 High Point Road, Greensboro, NC 27407 phone (336) 292-9227.

After the burial, Ruth has invited everyone back to the church for a time of friendship and fellowship.

If you would like to send flowers, please send them to Brown Funeral Home, 909 East Market Street, Greensboro, NC 27408 phone (336) 272-6109.

George was a huge animal lover and in lieu of flowers, donations would be greatly appreciated to the Guilford County Animal Shelter, 4525 West Windover Ave, Greensboro, NC 27409. Please mark the donation “in Memory of George Halsey”.

If you need a hotel recommendation, the Sheraton Four Points is between the church and burial site. Phone (336) 292-9161

Florist recommendations:
1. Clemmons Florist (336) 275-4508 or (336) 275-4596 address is 219 West Friendly Ave. Greensboro, NC 27401
2. Plants & Answers (800) 638-2981 or (336) 274-8908 address is 700 W Market Street, Greensboro, NC 27401

Anonymous said...

Here's the obituary for the above George Halsey story:

All content is copyrighted 2009-2016 by each individual blog entry author.